Claudio Nardi

monografia di architettura su tavolo vintage

An in depth vision of the ideas and projects of Claudio Nardi explored through an extended interview and short tales about the genesis of various projects presented.

The architect tells of his beginnings as an interior designer, of the direct and profound collaboration with artisans, of his working with Carlo Scarpa, of his passion of mutating architecture. There follows a selection of works: from projects for the fashion world, to museums, from minimal space of the intimate and domestic to large scale architecture, everything encased by graphic design, photography and sketches. Claudio Nardi is an architect of Doubles, as he defines himself – I love looking at the world “from a distance and close up”, conjugating visions and details together, simplicity and complexity, local and global, traditional and contemporary, emotional and rational.

A voyage of imagery that, leaving from the love of Mediterranean culture and Italian Rationalism, takes us to discover his works in Italy and around the world which have many different facets, almost refractive, in an indispensable and continued search of beauty.

The book is available on-line here.