

Florence, ITALY - 2011

The first shop of Beayukmui has been thought as an abstract room suspended in a fantastic, dreamt, drawn world.
The dialogue between two substances, the transparent intelligent and perfect one and the dreamlike sensual and unexpected one. The real exhibition space is total white, simple e symmetrical and at the same time free in its exhibition articulations; the major space containing it, walls, floor and ceiling, is now covered with a complex

drawing reproducing fantastic birds, feathers, expressions, immersed in watermark and reinterpreted from the Specola Museum explorations of the Australian artist Simon Miller. In the future, in this place or in another one, it will be able to tell other worlds, other dreams, it might be contemporary art or an antique and unexpected “Botticelli”, it might be plants, heads, decorations as a scenography in motion , in evolution.

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